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Is Distance Learning Right for You?
— Find Out if You Have the Four Qualities of Successful Distance Learners

Language Point

Before you enroll to take classes through an online school, check to make sure distance learning is really right for you. Earning a degree online can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience, but, distance education is not for everyone. While some people thrive on the independence and freedom offered through such classes, others find themselves regretting their decision and wishing they had enrolled at a traditional school instead.



Language Point

Successful and happy distance learners have a few characteristics in common. Compare yourself to the following list to determine whether or not online classes are a good fit for your personality and habits.



Translation Sound

1. Language PointSuccessful distance learners do just as well, if not better, without people looking over their shoulder. While some people need teachers to keep them motivated and on-task, distance learners are able to motivate themselves. They realize that they will never be face-to-face with the people who give them assignments and grade their work, but they don't need others to encourage them. The most successful students are self-motivated and set their own goals.


1. 成功的网络学习者在无人监督的情况下,即使没有做得更好,也会做得一样好。有些人需要老师给他们动力,督促他们学习,而网络学习者能够自己激励自己。虽然有老师在网上给他们布置学习任务、为他们批改作业,但他们知道自己与老师之间不能进行面对面的交流,而他们也不需要别人鼓励。最成功的学生是能够自我激励并为自己设定目标的。

1. (Para.3) Successful distance learners do just as well, if not better, without people looking over their shoulders.
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2. Successful distance learners never (or at least rarely) put off their assignments or wait until the last moment to write their papers. These students enjoy the freedom of working at their own pace and appreciate the ability to complete their work in as much time as it takes them, instead of waiting for an entire class. Language PointHowever, they understand that putting off their work too often can end up adding months, if not years , to their studies.


2. 成功的网络学习者从不(至少说是很少)拖延作业,也不会等到最后一刻才开始写论文。这些学生很享受按照自己的进度安排学习的自由,也很乐于在力所能及的时间内完成学习任务,而不是等着全班步调一致。他们明白经常推迟完成作业最终会使得他们的学业延长几个月甚至几年的时间。

2. (Para.4) However, they understand that putting off their work too often can end up adding months, if not years, to their studies.
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3. Successful distance learners have good reading comprehension skills. While most people learn by listening to lectures and taking notes, the majority of distance learners are expected to master material through reading alone. Although some distance learning courses offer video recordings and audio clips, most programs require that students understand a large amount of information that is only available through written text. These students are able to comprehend texts at the college level without the direct guidance of a teacher.


3. 成功的网络学习者具有良好的阅读能力。大部分人通过听课、记笔记的方式学习,而多数网络学习者则只能通过阅读来掌握学习材料。尽管有些网络课程提供视听素材,但大部分教学还是要求学生仅仅通过阅读材料来掌握大量信息。即使没有老师的直接面授,这些学生也能够理解大学水平的课文。

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4. Successful distance learners can resist constant distractions. Whether it's the phone ringing off the hook, the kids screaming in the kitchen, or the temptation of TV programs , everyone faces distractions . Successful students know how to filter out the constant disturbances that threaten their progress. They feel comfortable turning down an invitation or letting the machine pick up the phone when they know there is work to be done.


4. 成功的网络学习者能够抵制不断的干扰。无论是搁在一边的话筒发出的铃声,厨房里孩子们的吵闹声,还是电视节目的诱惑,每个人都面临着很多让他们分心的事物。优秀的学生知道怎样排除那些影响他们进步的干扰因素。当他们意识到还有功课没有完成时,他们自然而然就会拒绝邀请,或者让答录机去接听电话。

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Language Point

If you have few of the qualities of these successful students, you may want to reconsider applying to an online school. Remember that online learning is not for everyone and, while it is an excellent choice for some, others will always struggle with learning independently. But if, after comparing your personality and habits to those of successful distance education students, you've discovered that you have a lot in common, online classes may be the perfect option for you.




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